Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Our Lost Paridise

The world view of Paradise Lost is written in my opinion from a Christian worldview.

If you look at it with the six worldview tell tale signs thingy you see that if you take the first tenant how it explains God and the Universe it is extremely easy to see it is a Christian worldview or the author had some worldview pertaining to Christianity.

“Th’ infernal Serpant…Whose guile strid up with Envy and Revenge, deciv’d the Mother of Mankind, what time his Pride Had cast him out of Heav’n, with all his Host of Rebel Angels, by whose aid aspiring to set himself in Glory above his Peers,”
As you can see God governs the universe by casting the Devil and his followers to hell. God is the moderator he controls even the bad he controls. The Devil did not create a being high than its self that’s just dumb. “…Hurld headlong flaming from th’ Ethereal skie with hideous ruine and combustion down to bottomless perdition, there to dwell in adamantine chains and penal fire,”. If God throws down the Devil (even though he has some power to deceive man) it looks to me like the Devil is still weaker and God is the Powerful one.

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