Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Is That a Question????

i think the writers included the part where R And G play the question game because they are lost and looking for answers and are asking each other questions to try and jog there memories and to show that every one is lost and asking questions. were all lost in the dark asking questions looking for an answer to shed a light to our journey

Friday, October 24, 2008

Quote for all to see

senior Quote

"Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest."

Mark Twain

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What is this?

Since I was little I have always herd beauty is in the eye of the beholder

So why is art any different?

I believe there is no true definition of art. Art is subjective it is what you believe it is. I think art is simply a title for something beautiful in your eye that you desire to create or can create. to a man who has always wanted to paint a portrait of a home in England but has no artistic abilities may think that a simple painting of a classical English home bay bet the best piece of art he had ever seen. When also a man who loves impressionable art may think it looks like a simple waste of time and a bunch of paint thrown on a canvas is truly beautiful in his eyes.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Whats In A Name

  • God and the universe
    The power that controls the universe in this peace is God and Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve who were crated by there father named all the animals in the world. “You and your father lent me this-gave it to me, actually. It’s been really useful, but it doesn’t exactly seem to fit very well lately.” Eve now is going around unnaming animals because she believes they do not fit them anymore.
  • Humanity and identity
    The Nature of a human being is so far to name the Animals of the world. We are a mix of spiritual being and a material being because Adam and Eve talk with God but still are Man and Woman.
  • Conflict and suffering
    The starting point of the conflict is when God tells Adam and Eve to name all the animals in the world then the Serpent deceives Eve and has them thrown out of the garden.
  • Hope and redemption
    The hope in this world is that life goes on. Eve is forgiven because God loves her but she does not really care for life anymore or more she does not care for her name any more. “It is hard to give back a gift without sounding peevish or ungrateful, and I did not want to leave him that impression of me.”
  • Values and Relationships
    One finds value in life that when life goes down the drain so to speak, then, just change your name and ways and have a new beginning. “Well, goodbye, dear. I hope the garden key turns up.”
  • Truth and Reality
    Man is real along with God and there are absolutes but not in naming.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

by by Music

  • God and the universe
    The power in control of the universe is “the Music”. The Author talks about how it makes him smile and touches him deep inside. The Author also talks about having faith in the God above and the devil along with believing in the Father Son and Holy Ghost.
  • Humanity and identity
    The song portrays man as a material thing not spiritual but it does not say he believes in a God or the devil more that every one has forsaken you except for the music.
  • Conflict and suffering
    The universes is Flawed because of “The day the misc died.” And how it changed the world and that we are lost without him.
  • Hope and redemption
    There is not really a after life just good old boys sitting around drinking and laughing saying today could be the day that I die. Not really believing that there is an afterlife so enjoy the time we have not. “Them good old boys were drinkin’ whisky and rye and singin’, ‘This’ll be the day that I die.”
  • Values and Relationships
    One finds Value in life by finding the music and searching after it and enjoying life.
  • Truth and Reality
    The real truths is the music is dead and that you can never hear it again, the trinity headed for the coast and every one is sad.

i Believe the worldview of this piece is Secular humanist it may mention God but id never says he really does much. more every one is on there own and sorry about the music

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Our Lost Paridise

The world view of Paradise Lost is written in my opinion from a Christian worldview.

If you look at it with the six worldview tell tale signs thingy you see that if you take the first tenant how it explains God and the Universe it is extremely easy to see it is a Christian worldview or the author had some worldview pertaining to Christianity.

“Th’ infernal Serpant…Whose guile strid up with Envy and Revenge, deciv’d the Mother of Mankind, what time his Pride Had cast him out of Heav’n, with all his Host of Rebel Angels, by whose aid aspiring to set himself in Glory above his Peers,”
As you can see God governs the universe by casting the Devil and his followers to hell. God is the moderator he controls even the bad he controls. The Devil did not create a being high than its self that’s just dumb. “…Hurld headlong flaming from th’ Ethereal skie with hideous ruine and combustion down to bottomless perdition, there to dwell in adamantine chains and penal fire,”. If God throws down the Devil (even though he has some power to deceive man) it looks to me like the Devil is still weaker and God is the Powerful one.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


the WorldView from the Wizard of Oz is Postmodern.

Dorthy escapes her reality and the "god" is just an oridnary man behind a curtin that is jsut made powerful by himself. you only truly have to belive in your self to survive.

i thought you would appreciate these i found them while looking for info on the wizard of oz

Horrible i know im sorry